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City of New HopeMinnesota

Policies & Plans

Complete Streets Policy

New Hope's Complete Streets Policy promotes streets that are designed and maintained to be safe and accessible to all users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, transit riders, bicyclists and drivers. The New Hope policy is based on recommendations from the National Complete Streets Coalition. Through implementation of the Complete Streets Policy, the city strives to create a transportation network that successfully accommodates all modes of transportation and users with a wide variety of needs. Complete Streets does not necessarily mean that all modes of transportation will have access to all roads, but that there will be an interconnected transportation system that treats all modes of transportation equitably. As the city considers projects including new construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation, a review of Complete Streets opportunities comes early in the planning process. It is not always possible to incorporate Complete Streets components into every project due to topographical, cost and a variety of other constraints. When it is possible to incorporate Complete Streets improvements into a project, they may take form as sidewalks, bike lanes, median islands, bump outs, directional signage and trees.

Comprehensive Plan

All cities, counties, and townships within the seven-county metropolitan region must prepare a Comprehensive Plan and update the plan as needed every 10 years. The city's 2040 Comprehensive Plan update impacts all the properties, neighborhoods, and businesses in the city.  The Comprehensive Plan outlines New Hope's long-range strategies for addressing housing, businesses, transportation, and community parks and facilities within New Hope.

City Center Vision

The New Hope City Center Vision was adopted in 2011 and provides a comprehensive vision for the redevelopment of the district. It encourages diverse and adaptable commercial spaces, mixed-used development, and transportation goals. The city's Design Guidelines are consistent with this vision.

Design Guidelines
The New Hope Design Guidelines serve three primary functions:

  1. To guide developers or property owners proposing expansions, renovations, or new construction of buildings
    or parking in commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential areas.
  2. To facilitate dialog between the city and developers/property owners to achieve creative design solutions.
  3. To assist city officials, commissioners, and staff in reviewing development proposals.

The guidelines, by definition, are a set of recommended design goals for new and existing buildings and sites. The guidelines set forth the general desired character for commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential properties, suggesting overall character without dictating specific design requirements.

Safe Routes to School

In 2017, the city partnered with MnDOT and Alta Planning + Design to develop Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans for the three elementary schools in New Hope. The SRTS plans include an assessment of existing infrastructure and non-infrastructure barriers and opportunities for each participating school site. Planning is completed in close coordination with school-based teams to support a clear path to implementation. For each school, detailed action plans for specific short- and long-term infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects that support the overall vision of enabling more students to access their schools and communities on foot or bicycle were developed.

ADA Transition Plan

In 2019 the city began preparing a ADA transition plan. This plan is a part of the requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way. The transition plan is how the Federal Requirements are being met through the "Transition" of New Hope's existing facilities. 

The transition plan identifies existing obstacles for ADA compliance in the city and how the city plans to address these issues moving forward. The plan also requires that the city have a system in place for residents to report any ADA issues or concerns. Progress on compliance inspections can be seen on the web map below. 


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