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City of New HopeMinnesota

City Council Candidate Filing Period

Municipal Election

New Hope conducts municipal elections in even-numbered years. A local primary election may be held for local offices if more than twice the number of candidates file for each position (for example, if more than two candidates file for mayor or more than four candidates file for the two council seats). This primary is intended to narrow the field of candidates.

Two council member seats will be on the ballot for 2026. These positions are non-partisan, serve four-year terms and represent the entire city.

To be eligible for public office, candidates must be eligible voters in Minnesota, at least 21 years old when they assume office, and must have resided in the city for at least 30 days prior to the General Election.

Filing Dates

The candidate filing period is May 19-June 2, 2026, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Offices are open until 5 p.m. on June 2. Candidates who may be absent from the state during the filing period can make arrangements to file prior to departure by calling the New Hope City Clerk at 763.531.5114.

Withdrawal Deadline

To remove your name from the ballot, you must withdraw by Thursday, June 4, 2026 at 5 p.m.

Filing Location

New Hope City Hall, 4401 Xylon Avenue North, New Hope, Minnesota.

Filing Fee


Candidates may present a petition with the required number of signatures of eligible voters in lieu of the filing fee (Minnesota Statute 204B.07-204B.11).

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