Several additional projects have been approved to take place at the Ice Arena this year.
- Scoreboard: On April 10, 2023 the City Council approved the purchase and installation of two scoreboards and a four-digit clock in the south rink. The existing scoreboard was installed in 1996 and will be replaced with a new, similar scoreboard with the addition of a “shots on goal” panel on each side of the board and a 24” x 22’ ID/sponsor panel along the bottom of the scoreboard for future sponsorship/advertisement opportunities.
Also included will be an additional scoreboard and a four-digit clock for the north wall in the south arena. The second scoreboard will include a game clock and the score of the game to allow players and spectators to keep better track of the game time during play. The four-digit clock will have two functions, being an hour timer for youth games/practices and being a time-of-day clock that will be visible for the walkers when utilizing the arena as a walking track. Both have been requested by users over the years.
The scoreboards and clock are LED, which are more energy efficient. The project will take place this summer.
- Skate tile: On April 24, 2023 the City Council approved the purchase and installation of approximately 4,000 square feet of skate tile in the south arena. The majority of the existing skate tile is original from 1996 when the south rink was built. The new skate tile will be installed this spring following the installation of the new dasher boards and glass.