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City of New HopeMinnesota

Planning & Development

City Planning

The city’s Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document to guide land-use needs based upon growth projections for population, households, and employment and includes policies and goals to address those needs. The plan also identifies specific areas of the city where residential, commercial, industrial, and open space land uses will be allowed. Topics addressed in the Comprehensive Plan include:

  • Land use
  • Housing
  • Natural environment
  • Sewer and water needs
  • Transportation
  • Community facilities

The first comprehensive plan for New Hope was completed in 1960, and focused on initial development of more than 2,000 acres of land. Major updates of the plan were completed in 1977 and 1998. Since 1998, minor changes, or amendments, have been made to the plan to include ongoing redevelopment and to reflect city policies and practices.

Regional Planning
In 1976, state statute gave the Metropolitan Council the responsibility to plan for infrastructure needs of the metropolitan area. State law also requires that each community in the seven-county metro area adopt a comprehensive plan and update the plan at least every 10 years. Each city’s comprehensive plan must include the programs, physical improvements, and development strategies the city will implement to comply with the regional plan.

In early 2004, the Metropolitan Council adopted its latest regional plan, the 2030 Regional Development Framework. The framework is intended to help ensure orderly economical development of the seven-county area and the efficient use of four regional systems: transportation, aviation, water resources (including wastewater collection and treatment), and regional parks and open space. The regional plan is based upon four key strategies:

  • Accommodate growth in a flexible, connected, and efficient manner
  • Slow the growth in traffic congestion and improve mobility
  • Encourage expanded choices in housing locations and types
  • Conserve, protect, and enhance the region’s vital natural resources

The Metropolitan Council’s growth projections for New Hope included in the 2030 Regional Development Framework include:

  • Population growth of about 2,600 between 2000 and 2030
  • More than 1,100 new households
  • 2,200 additional jobs
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