Point of Sale

It’s no accident that residential property in New Hope is well maintained. Since 1978, New Hope has required sellers to have their home inspected by a city inspector and to make any needed repairs before the home is sold. The Point of Sale Inspection program plays an important role in helping to maintain the value and quality of New Hope’s housing.

A Point of Sale Inspection is required prior to the sale of any residential property, including single-family homes, condominiums, townhomes, and apartment buildings. The initial inspection takes about 45 minutes for a single-family home. During the inspection, the building inspector looks for items in the home that present safety or maintenance concerns. Following the inspection, the homeowner receives a “fix it” list that spells out the repairs that will be needed to bring the property into compliance with the city codes. The home seller must make the specified repairs and have the home reinspected before a Certificate of Property Maintenance will be issued for the completion of the sale.

Also, any open permits at the property must be closed before the Certificate of Property Maintenance can be issued. To determine if there are open permits, go to the permits search page, enter the house number and street name, and click "Search." The permits on file for the subject property will be listed at the bottom of the page. If there is not a date entered under the column labeled “Final Date,” that permit is still open. For open electrical permits, contact the electrical inspector at 763-390-9255 to schedule an inspection. For all other open permits, contact the city’s Inspections Division at 763-531-5127 for assistance.

If the seller is physically or financially unable to make the repairs, the home may be sold “as is” if the buyer commits to making the repairs. The buyer must complete a Temporary Dwelling Maintenance Agreement for Compliance and Escrow and make repairs within 90 days of closing. The escrow amount is determined by the city based on the retail value of all work orders. The minimum escrow amount of $500. A title company, closing company, or attorney generally holds the escrow. Once the repairs have been completed, a re-inspection should be scheduled. If the re-inspection indicates that the repairs comply with code requirements escrow is released.

The Point of Sale Inspection fee covers both the initial inspection and one re-inspection of the property. For more information about the Point of Sale Inspection program, call the Inspections staff at 763-531-5127.


The point of sale permit application is available at city hall and in PDF form.

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