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City of New HopeMinnesota



The city of New Hope requires all residential rental properties to register with the city annually. The purpose of the Rental Registration Program is to help maintain the quality of the rental housing stock in the city and protect the city’s neighborhoods.

Small Rental Properties (Single-family homes, condos & duplexes)

Rental properties that are one to two units receive a one-year certificate valid July 1 through the end of June. If you own a one or two family rental, please read the registration details and download and apply for a rental registration permit.

Rental certificates are required for short-term rentals such as Airbnb properties. New Hope City Code allows no more than four unrelated renters at a single-family home that is not registered with the state of Minnesota as a group home.

Multifamily Properties (3+ units)

Rental properties with three or more units receive a one-year certificate valid January 1 through the end of December. If you own a rental property with three or more units, read the registration details and apply for a rental registration.

Best Practices Program (3+ units)

Rental properties with three or more units can qualify for the Best Practices Program. The purpose of the Best Practices program is to encourage good quality property maintenance and management at rental properties in New Hope. Participants benefit from a lower annual rental registration fee. Property managers or owners must submit a Best Practices Program application and the requested documentation needed to determine compliance with all program requirements. Once registered, rental property owners will be sent a renewal notice prior to the expiration of the rental certificate. Rental property owners are responsible for contacting the Community Development (763-531-5110) upon change of contact information, such as new address or new phone number.


The city of New Hope requires regular inspections for all rental properties within the city. The purpose of these inspections is to help maintain the quality of the rental housing stock in the city and protect the city’s neighborhoods. The Rental Inspection Overview lists items that must be in compliance at the time of a rental inspection.

Small Rental Properties (Single-family homes, condos & duplexes)

Once every two years, the city will contact small rental property owners (single-family homes, condos and duplexes) by mail to schedule an inspection. The property owner is responsible for contacting all tenants to notify them of the inspection. At the time of inspection, the city inspector may identify required corrections or repairs. The owner must complete the required corrections and contact the city for a follow-up inspection within 15 days of the initial inspection.

Multifamily Properties (3+ units)

Approximately every three years, the city will contact multifamily rental property owners by mail to schedule an inspection. Property owners are responsible for contacting all tenants to notify them of the inspection. At the time of inspection, the city inspector may identify required corrections or repairs. The owner must complete the required corrections within 15 days of the initial inspection.


City code encourages small rental property owners (single-family homes, condos & duplexes) to obtain property management training by providing a $250 rebate for landlords who complete the "Fundamentals of Rental Property Management in Minnesota" course offered through the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association within six months of conversion. Visit or call 952-854-8500 for information or to register. An additional $250 rebate is available if there are no reports of disorderly behavior within 18 months after the conversion to rental.

Loans & Financing

The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) offers low interest loans for Minnesota property owners to make energy improvements to their rental properties. 

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